BIT-ETH MISO contract
Transactions sequenced by Ethereum Block Height and Transaction Offset.
Transactions filtered by Function: commitTokens (MethodID 0xdc97e082).
Transactions filtered by Success = TRUE.
Amount committed in ETH or SUSHI deducts any refunded amounts due to the Auction being sold out.
Calculate: Percentage of Bonus Pool
BIT-ETH and SUSHI-ETH auctions are treated as separate pools.
Successful commits sequenced from first to last with brackets every 10% of total commitment amount.
Each bracket assigned a bonus weight of 40.0%, 35.6%, 31.1%, 26.7%, 22.2%, 17.8%, 13.3%, 8.9%, 4.4%, and 0.0% respectively.
Commits which straddle multiple brackets will have amount-weighted bonus weight.
Bonus weight per participant address used to calculate Percentage of Bonus pool.
Calculate: Bonus Pool
505306.336 BIT-ETH SLP and 9093479 BIT claimed from SushiSwap Onsen rewards
Transferred to Bonus Airdrop Admin address 0xcf8db36ebecce3608394fd6031dc7abd2a2ab839
*Note all airdrop amounts will be funded out of this address
SLP split into 21,537,592 BIT and 12,226.25 ETH
Total Bonus pool 30,631,071 BIT and 12,226.25 ETH
90% allocated to BIT-ETH MISO participants
10% allocated to BIT-SUSHI MISO participants
Adjustment for Merkle Distributor
Last 10% of participants (by amount) in the BIT-ETH MISO and BIT-SUSHI MISO events, who have a 0% bonus, are removed from the eligible claimant list.
Multiple MISO commits from the same commit address are aggregated.
For MISO commits that came from smart contracts (Bots, Multisigs, Pools), the claimant has been set as the address that called the MISO smart contract.
In total there are 9875 eligible claimant addresses.
An additional 10 claimant addresses with nominal claim amounts have been added to test the Merkle Distributor smart contract in production.
Adjustments for Gas Fees
An additional 0.012 ETH has been allocated to each claimant to help pay for claim gas fees.
This additional ETH has been privately funded and is not from the BitDAO treasury.
Credit: Source link